Subject 17


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    Creepy Score

    "Hey, thoo thoo?"
    "Yes, child?"
    "Do you think catapills know they're gonna be buh-flies?"
    "Do you?"
    "I unno. I think they wake up one day an' are like 'oh em gee I can fly what is this???' you know?"
    "Indeed. Would you like to fly, child?"

    "Hey, thoo thoo?"
    "Yes, child?"
    "How long was your nap?"
    "Many years."
    "Like, more than ten?"
    "Many tens."
    "That's a long nap!"
    "Do you ever need to sleep again?"
    "One day, perhaps. A long time from now."
    "I napped almost a whole day one time!"
    "Most impressive."
    "I was soooooo hungy when I woke up. Are you hungy?"
    "But you're not gonna eat anybody, right?"

    "Hey, thoo thoo?"
    "Yes, child?"
    "Look how high I can jump!"
    "Have you ever played jum prope?"
    "I cannot say that I have."
    "You should try sometime, you'd be good at it."
    "I shall keep that in mind."

    "Hey, thoo thoo?"
    "Yes, child?"
    "How come everyone's 'fraid of you?"
    "All tend to fear that which they do not understand."
    "What's that mean?"
    "I am old and powerful beyond humanity's comprehension."
    "What's that mean?"
    "I am before your people's time."
    "What's that mean?"
    "I come from a place you cannot see."
    "Why not?"
    "You lack the ability and have not yet invented the technology to compensate."
    "What's that mean?"
    "Your scientists have not yet discovered other dimensions, despite their many theories."
    "What's that mean?"
    "All in due time, child."
    "Perhaps you can show me how high you can jump again."

    "Hey, thoo thoo?"
    "Yes, child?"
    "How come everybody looks at me all the time but not everybody else?"
    "You are special."
    "Time will tell."
    "So like... why can't anybody else move things when they look at them?"
    "You have evolved beyond the others."
    "What's evol'd?"
    "Evolution is the process by which organisms... you are special."

    "Hey, thoo thoo?"
    "Yes, child?"
    "Are there more like you down there?"
    "An'... will they like me?"
    "They will worship you, child."
    "An' they'll do what I want?"
    "Do... do you like me?"
    "More than you know."

    "Hey, thoo thoo?"
    "Yes, child?"
    "Tell me the story 'bout the ah-tah-puss princess again."
    "Very well."
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