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  1. E d e n

    User deleted

    Da un pò di tempo sto iniziando a girovagare sulla sezione /x/ di 4chan per cercare creepypasta e immagini appunto creepy, e mi sono imbattuto in una discussione molto recente di un "essere" che ha iniziato a mandare messaggi enigmatici sul board chiamandosi "Waters"

    Ecco qua un veloce riassuno della vicenda e un'immagine probabile dell'essere

    Day 1: Waters shows up and talks about how she is something and she preys on people and takes their longthings and blood and 'hair'.

    Day 2: Waters returns and people start to tell her that she should come to visit them, but Waters says that she can only go to those that call her. People start saying that Waters should do whatever she wants.

    Day 3: Waters says that she has started to go wherever she wants. More people want visits from her and she decides that she is going to start going only where she wants.

    Day 4: Waters is pissed off. She had her leg and arm taken by something else like her. She is also very pissed off at everyone on /x/ because she holds them responsible for her injury, as she trusted us and we lead her down a bad path.

    Miscellaneous Facts:
    Waters loves hair, wood instruments, animals and people
    Waters hates dry leaves, bones, and rocks

    Naturalmente non credo assolutamente che sia qualcosa di vero, ma di certo è interessante osservare l'andamento di questa vicenda, per vedere come nascono i mostri delle creepypaste, come le recepisce la gente e come si diffondono... il semplice fatto che vi sto passando questa storia implica il "viaggio" di questa creatura da 4cha in altri ambienti ^^

    Advanced Member

    Creepy Score

    Interessante. òwò
  3. DesertOrchid

    User deleted

    Che bello
2 replies since 6/8/2011, 11:57   322 views